Persephone's Ascent

Persephone's Ascent

Ruka Artisan Jewelry

The collection is dedicated to Persephone, the Greek Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld.
Persephone's story is one of transformation, and one of the most powerful symbols in her story is the pomegranate, this is why I chose it as the central element of the collection.
Legend has it that Persephone was abducted by Hades, the God of the Underworld, and taken to his realm to be his queen. While there, Hades tricked her by offering her a pomegranate from which she ate a few seeds. This act bound her to the Underworld and made it so that she had to spend part of each year there, serving as the Queen of Underworld.
The pomegranate thus became a powerful symbol of the binding nature of the Underworld and the transformation that Persephone underwent. But it is also a symbol of fertility and rebirth. In some cultures, the pomegranate is believed to contain 613 seeds, each one representing a commandment or blessing. It is seen as a symbol of abundance and prosperity, as well as a talisman for good luck.
Persephone's journey to the Underworld represents the Descent into darkness and the Shadow aspects of ourselves that we all must face in order to grow and evolve. Her return to the surface world in the Spring ( The Ascent) after spending the winter months in the Underworld, represents the emergence of new life and the hope of renewal.
So as we celebrate the beauty of Spring, let's remember Persephone and the lessons she teaches us about transformation, resilience, and the cycles of nature. May we all find the courage to embrace our own journeys into the unknown, knowing that we too will emerge into the light once again!